That's not me, but I wish it were. A beautiful tropical island, a hammock, and my laptop... Now THAT would be lovely.
This week was Spring break for our homeschool, as it was for all the public schools in the area. The term Spring break inspires scenes of fun and play, but it was up earlier, in bed later, go-go-go almost all day, day after day for us. You see, down here in the desert the county fair must be held early or it is simply too hot. And, since two of my five kids are active in 4H, plus my husband is a project leader and a third child is involved with the Clover Kid program... Well, we LIVED at the fair grounds these last 4 days. My feet hurt, my bum is sore (from sitting in the bleachers so much watching the kids show), and I'm exhausted from getting up at 5:30 to iron show attire because it had to be worn three days in a row and washed each evening.
What's worse is that early in the week I got the fabulous idea to use the down time I had then to do some serious Spring cleaning. You know, moving furniture, cleaning the oven, deep organizing and so on. While I'm happy to have a clean home, I wish I had used those days to get ahead on sleep and projects instead. I could have done the Spring cleaning a little at a time over the next month, especially now that fair is over so all our 4H obligations done for the month. Oh, well. I'll remember that for next year. Of course, my oldest wants to raise a goat as well as rabbits next year.... That would mean having to be at the fair grounds more often and for longer times. I'm just thankful fair week is only one week of the year.
On a brighter note, my oldest won Grand Champion award for the leather wallet he made and I got an "outstanding" purple ribbon for this digital scrapbook page I entered.

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